Thursday, May 14, 2009



是次活動宗旨為他們提供拍攝機會, 透過相片,可以讓他們藉著另一種的視覺媒介,去發掘並表達自己的感覺、生活、美好與現實。活動現計劃於七月份開展,為期16週,除了教授基本相機使用,攝影技巧外,他們還會就每次的作品於組內分享,透過各人獨有不同的角度,了解他人的想法,感受別人的生活。而小組最後將會以展覽形式分享他們喜歡的攝影作品,並讓社會透過他們的鏡頭接觸他們的世界。這些兒童來自低收入家庭,他們的家庭經濟能力不可以負擔購買相機,希望各界友好人士捐贈簡單易用的攝影器材。






義務導師:梁智德 (9208 4701) / Liza Yu (6342 6445)

負責社工: 王智源/施麗珊 2713 9165 或 71103301a/c5677

香港社區組織協會於1972年成立,註冊成為一間非牟利的民間人權組織,主力服務本港貧困社群,包括: 籠屋、板房的租戶、獨居老人、新移民婦女、貧窮兒童、露宿者、精神病康復者、低薪工人、難民及少數族裔等,組織這些社群倡議改善政策及為他們提供支援。

Used Camera Wanted by Kid Photographer of SoCO
We are cordially inviting you to support our children photography group “Kid Photographer” through donating used digital camera.

The group will comprise of underprivileged children aged from 9-13. Given the opportunity to take pictures, the children will start their own photo journey that explore and express their feelings, lives, pleasures, grievances and ideas of reality. Commenced at the beginning of July, our sessions will cover different topics and document various aspects of their daily lives within 16 weeks.

Besides learning the necessary skills and basic techniques required to work with a camera, they will be given free hand to create their photos and share them in a weekly gathering. These ongoing sessions will let them express their creativity and ideas and hence understand those of their fellow members. Their photos will be exhibited and shared by the public after the completion of all photography sessions.

Our group members come from a low income community, their families are not able to afford a digital camera. We believe that you can help by donating a used digital camera to make their dreams come true.

Camera Requirements:
A fully functional camera of 4 megapixels (or above)
Batteries and charger included
Memory card of any size (Perfect if you can donate one)

Contact Info:
Please send your contact info and camera specifications to :
You are welcome to bring your camera to SoCO office(3/F 52 Princess Margaret Road Homantin or 1/F 117 Kweilin Street Sham Shui Po) or we will collect your donation at MTR stations
Please leave your contact information for our future communications on upcoming events, invitations and exhibition.
For any queries, please contact:
Volunteer facilitator: Terry Leung (9208 4701) / Liza Yu (6342 6445)Social workers: Mr WONG Chi Yuen or Miss SZE Lai Shan 2713 9165 or 71103301a/c5677Society For Community Organization (SoCO) is a registered non-profit making and non-governmental human rights organization for the underprivileged, founded in 1972.SoCO’s services assist cage and cubicle dwellers, the single elderly, new immigrant women, children living in poverty, street-sleepers, people with mental illnesses, low-paid workers, refugees and ethnic minorities. SoCO also undertakes original social policy research, lobbies Hong Kong decision-making bodies and organizes direct action events.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Well done!

Let's join hands and create a wonderful project for the kids living in poverty!

Add oil ah!